Bonnie: We listened to a variety of Monkees/David Jones' CDs on our trip to Peoria. We had the privilege of riding in Kimmi's brand new car. It has a great sound system, which is certainly a pre-requisite in the purchase of a new car. (I'd check on that CD player though, Kimmi, to find out why "Every Step Of The Way" kept skipping and repeating.)
Cindy: It could have been worse…it could have been “Put Me Amongst The Girls!” Obviously Kimmi’s car has a very high tech CD player with extremely good taste.
Kimmi: Why, whatever do you mean, Shanie?! I think that it just needed to be broken in a bit. Next time, we'll bring "More Of The Monkees" and see if it still does it. :-D
Bonnie: By 2:30 P.M., we had arrived in Peoria. We had no difficulty in finding the Peoria Civic Center. Craig and I had actually been there for a success seminar in the spring of 1999, and Kimmi had been there recently for another concert. (We won't mention names!)
Shane: Hey Kimmi, I won't mention your other musical interest, you won't mention mine. Deal?
Kimmi: Deal!! Shanie, been to Chicago lately? Oh, I saw a cool saxophone at Reiman Music the other day.
Cindy: Oh Kimmi! That was “Poison”ous!
Bonnie: In an effort not to bother David, we volunteered Kimmi to deliver the bouquet of flowers during the afternoon. Kimmi had made an alliance with one of the employees during the summer concert. It was good fortune/coincidence that their paths crossed again in that he aided us in the delivery of the flowers. He told her to return at 3:30 P.M. with the flowers to a specific location in the building. No problem.
Shane: Kimmi was the exact right person to choose for this job, and not just because of her "contact". Cindy and I have seen her work miracles with our backstage deliveries before. I can recall her determination with our gifts for David back on our trip to the Murphy Theater in Wilmington, Ohio so clearly. There's just something about the way she heads into that theater, flowers in hand, a no B.S. look in her eyes that says she means business. It would be endearing if it weren't so darn scary!
Kimmi: Awe, shucks. Thanks. Now don't piss me off!!
Cindy: That’s my girl!
Bonnie: We then embarked to a local store to purchase some last-minute items. It had been so long since our last Monkee outing that I had totally forgotten to bring Altoids, (official breath mint of the PFG). Thanks, Cindy! I like the cinnamon flavor. We returned to the Civic Center, and after Kimmi's quick outdoor costume change, (Shane, you shouldn't have been turning around in your seat!), Kimmi once again attempted to deliver the flowers. This time, the mission was accomplished. You go girl!
Shane: Hey, it wasn't me that you should have worried about, it's all those other creepos hanging around on the city streets. I was just trying to be protective! (Besides, the pervert you know is better than the pervert you don't.)
Cindy: You were the creepo closest! But you are right; I will take the known perv any day.
Kimmi: First brother, then daddy. I guess if I have to have a pervert, I'm glad that it's you, Shanie! :-)
Cindy: ….not going there!
Bonnie: By 4:00 P.M., we concurred that it was time to eat, drink and be merry. We found a Texas Roadhouse restaurant to dine at. It was a nice place, but you had to be careful for the peanut shells on the floor.
Shane: It's ambiance my dear, ambiance! Kimmi, I still can't believe that you had never tried a margarita, (or should I say marna-grita), before! What planet have you been living on? Wait. Don't answer that.
Kimmi: The planet Head! Guess what?! I had my first shot of tequila last weekend. YUMMY!!
Bonnie: (It should be noted that as I was writing this story, Craig was flipping television channels and happened upon David's Time Life infomercial.) We wondered if we could bring in some of David Jones' CDs to replace the continual country music.
Shane: Everybody sing along...You...Don't...Have to be a country boy to sing a country song, you don't need a rhinestone cowboy outfit to feel like you belong....
Kimmi: Eh?
Cindy: Poor Kimmi! A day late and a dollar short!
Shane: She's still got a lot to learn yet, doesn't she Cindy?
Bonnie: The food was very good, and Cindy found a waiter of particular interest. I thought that he was a cross between a younger version of Peter Tork and a current version of Luke Perry. I saw those dimples on his face and the subsequent stars in Cindy's eyes. (Speaking of Luke Perry, I myself am deeply jealous, Kimmi.)
Cindy: Anyone for dessert?
Kimmi: I just got those pictures back! Mmmmmmm!! It's always important to have jealous friends. Right, Mumsy? And shut up, Shanie!!
Shane: ZZZZzzzzzzz. [snore] Oh, huh?! Somebody talking to me? But this was great. Really. I wanted to be able to tell my friends back home that I spent my vacation in Iowa watching Lawrence Welk, looking for make up, and watching my cohorts oogle waiters. And not even OUR waiter.
Cindy: Are you whining again! Oh, I would like to add that while we were there I was able to find a sports fan who informed us that Iowa had beaten Wisconsin that afternoon (since I wasn’t allowed to listen to the game in the car!) and Shane is a cheesehead! Ha ha!
Bonnie: After dinner and a private costume change in the ladies' room, we were ready for the long anticipated show. Hurry Up Slow Down. We were comin' to see you for some time. We had a little time for sightseeing in downtown Peoria prior to the concert. Kimmi thought that a trip across the lighted bridge would be nice. Not uncommon to most Monkee-related adventures, we found ourselves in places we had no business being in, (sidewalks included). If you ever need to know where the limousine service is located in Peoria, ask us.
Cindy: Better yet…don’t ask!
Shane: Or the local church, or the neighborhood Hooters, or how to get to the neighborhood Hooters from the local church. It was just a little detour.
Kimmi: I'm carrying on the family business: Bryant Budget Tours.
Cindy: What’s a road trip without a few tours of parking lots …intentional or otherwise. On the Deluxe tours there is even a swimming pool or two!
Bonnie: We gathered up all of our paraphernalia, (cameras, memorabilia...
Shane: ...parking tickets....
Kimmi: ...make up...
Cindy: …roses…
Bonnie: ...whatever), and repeatedly asked Shane if he had the tickets as we entered the Civic Center.
Shane: Tickets? We don't need no steeeenking tickets! I did think about leaving one or two of them behind, but since everybody (finally) paid the piper, ahem, I decided to be nice and bring them. This time.
Cindy: Next time in pennies!
Kimmi: I paid right away this time!! WHEE!!!!
Shane: Here's a hint: it's the same reason why "When Love Comes Knockin' At Your Door" does the same thing. Over and over and over and over and over...